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ตัวอย่าง SQL แบบทดสอบ SQL แบบฝึกหัด SQL ใบรับรอง SQL

รูปแบบ การเข้าถึง MS ()ฟังก์ชัน

❮ ฟังก์ชัน MS Access


จัดรูปแบบคอลัมน์ "ราคา" เป็นสกุลเงิน:

SELECT Format(Price, "Currency") AS FormattedPrice
FROM Products;


ฟังก์ชัน Format() จะจัดรูปแบบค่าด้วยรูปแบบที่ระบุ


Format(value, format)


Parameter Description
value Required. The string to format
format Optional. The format to to use.
Format Description
General Number Indicates a number, without thousand separators
Currency Indicates currency, with thousand separators and two decimal places
Fixed Shows minimum one digit to the left of the decimal place and two digits to the right of the decimal place
Standard Shows the thousand separators + minimum one digit to the left of the decimal place, and two digits to the right of the decimal place
Percent Shows a percent value (with percent sign) and two digits to the right of the decimal place
Scientific Indicates scientific notation
Yes/No Shows No if value = 0 and Yes if value <> 0
True/False Shows False if value = 0 and True if value <> 0
On/Off Shows Off if value = 0 and On if value <> 0
General Date Shows value as a date based on the system settings
Long Date Shows value as a date based on the system's long date settings
Medium Date Shows value as a date based on the system's medium date settings
Short Date Shows value as a date based on the system's short date settings
Long Time Shows value as a date based on the system's long time settings
Medium Time Shows value as a date based on the system's medium time settings
Short Time Shows value as a date based on the system's short time settings


ทำงานใน: จากการเข้าถึง 2000

❮ ฟังก์ชัน MS Access